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MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 39: OMG Legs

TOBOR looks around. As best he can, being a disembodied head.

Ha. Ha.

See, when he says that Sam will have to guide his legs back, he means that his legs will run directly away from Sam at all times, getting hung up on scenery at the least provocation.

Not shown: Sam running rings around the simulator in order to get TOBOR's legs untangled from the fence.

Anyway, once Sam extricates the legs from the landmine of the simulation area, it's fairly simple to chase them across the land bridge.

Get over there!

Clash bash clatter.

Ta da!

Ignoring Buddy, TOBOR pulls out a screwdriver and fiddles with one of his elbow joints.

: You did an amazing job, Sam! You even got rid of a nasty burr in my rotator!

... by... picking things up?

Meanwhile, SCIENCE!! is having an argument.

Let's join them!

: Tobor! You're back! And you're okay!

: Yeah, I'm great. I just came back because there was something I wanted to tell you.

: Go ahead, Tobor. You can tell us anything.

Alexa reels at this announcement.

: What?!

: You fleshies blew me up one time too many! I'm gonna go find my own destiny.

Which is apparently somewhere over there.

In the background, Vic Vector puts his broom away and straightens up.

Vic is waving his arms and going 'woo! woo-oo! woo!' constantly by this point.

Alexa turns back to Vic.

: Vic! Old buddy, old pal! How would you like a promotion?

Vic busts out cheering.

: YEEESSS!!! I get to fly into space!

: You sure do! Head over to the training area and get yourself ready.


Vic hustles off.

: Alright, alright! We'll get started rebuilding the lab right away, Dr. F.

Alexa turns to Sam.

: Hey, if you guys are still on the clock, we could use all the help we can get. Thanks!

: Well, Sam, what do you want to do?

So what about it, folks? Who should we help first? You've got twenty-four hours to tell me!


Video: Dreams of SCIENCE!!
TOBOR reassembly! TOBOR quitting! Vic Vector flapping his arms and finally getting his dream job! Woo! Woo-oo! Woo!